The search for opportunity is always the discovery of opportunity.
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Who we?

BEST Training Week is five days with incredible trainings covering the most interesting topics in various fields. Participants will not only gain new knowledge and skills, but will also be able to find friends or colleagues who share their interests.

During the BEST Training Week, everyone will have a great opportunity to enjoy interaction with experts and take part in exciting discussions that will help enrich their knowledge.
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Project History

In 2013, we had the idea to create the BEST Training Week project. This event helped Lviv Polytechnic students gain new knowledge without any restrictions through short trainings. The organisers of the first such event were Uliana Bilonizhka, Olena Tomchuk, and Oksana Kaminetska. Thanks to the team's well-coordinated work and the desire to make the days of future generations more eventful and exciting, the idea was implemented. The first project gathered a lot of interested people and confirmed that the need for this is really great. Eleven such events have now been held, where students can receive quality information for free. This project has already become an integral part of the student environment, helping young people to quickly learn and find new opportunities for their growth and development.

Project organiser

BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) is an international non-profit, non-political, youth NGO that was established in 1989 in Berlin.
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Taras MykhaylivTourism within Ukraine
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